Online Registration


Prior to enrolling in Woodturning - Twig Pots & Vases, you must have completed the specified prerequisites (if you have not taken a prerequisite, you can click on the catalog code link to see a list of upcoming course sections):

Woodturning 101 - Beginners

Grab a coveted seat in this popular class! Learn basic lathe set up, safety, terminology, lathe familiarization, tool selection, and basic turning techniques; then experience woodturning for the first time or expand your skills. Instructor demonstration is followed by hands-on practice of spindle turning and the artistic fun begins! Revive the art of woodturning! Equipment and materials included. Ages 16 and up (or 13 & under with participating adult).

If you have previously taken courses with us, check your Registration History to see if any of your past courses meet the prerequisites.

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